This page lets you find out how to make ' soap ' in Little Alchemy 2. Little Alchemy 2 Cheats Featuring approximately 700 different Ingredients and Elemental Combinations, don't forget to check out our extensive Cheats page that lists all possible. Use hints to discover a whole new world of exciting combinations. This page lets you find out how to make 'castle' in Little Alchemy 2.

This page lets you find out how to make ' small ' in Little Alchemy 2. Official cheats guide is here to help you if you get stuck on your research. Use hints to discover a whole new world of exciting combinations. Little Alchemy 2 Official Hints and Cheats. Official cheats guide is here to help you if you get stuck on your research. Official cheats guide is here to help you if you get stuck on your research. This list currently reflects the roughly 700 elements that can be created, not including additional elements that are available in content pack supplements for the game’s mobile releases (scroll down below this main list for information about any of those expansions). Little Alchemy 2 Official Hints and Cheats.

If youre looking for hints and cheats to Little Alchemy 2 you can find them. Little Alchemy 2 Cheats is the best complete source of step by step cheats and walkthrough hints for Little Alchemy 2. Little Alchemy 2 was released in August of 2017 and, if it is like its predecessor, will see numerous content updates over time. Official resource for step by step solutions in Little Alchemy Classic. Looking for a particular element? Click the links below to jump to all elements starting with that letter.Ĭomplete Element Combination List for Little Alchemy 2 Little Alchemy 2 Cheats D-H Desert: Sand + Sand Dew: Plant + Fog Diamond: Pressure + Coal Domestication: Animal + Human Dune: Sand + Desert.