With the custom filters feature, account owners and admins can upload custom frame or foreground stickers for users on their account to use. Now you can have the opportunity to test out different looks every day and add a little creativity to your meetings.Add fun elements to your video meetings by uploading custom video filters to display your company's pride or branding. These new innovative filters, called Signature Faces, bring together several different tools (eye shadow, eyeliner, false eyelashes, etc.) all thought up by British make-up artist Val Garland, and Virtue, the creative agency of Vice. But now there is a solution- L’Oréal is launching its own makeup filters available on several platforms such as Zoom, Teams, Hangouts, and also on social media platforms such as Instagram and Snapchat. There is the issue, however, or looking like a zombie during Zoom meetings. Some have also been taking this opportunity to let their skin breathe without applying makeup. But it's not always easy to find the motivation to get dressed and apply makeup the same way as if you were going to the office. With lockdown in full swing, many of us are working from home, and therefore attending team meetings by videoconference.

L'Oréal has launched a virtual makeup experience with its own filters.